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I support a Shipibo Family called Rao Kano Xobo in Pucalpa in Peru
I support a traditional Shipibo family who live in the jungle of Peru and are in the process of creating a much bigger healing centre by bringing back Their amazing handcrafted jewelry products.
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PC and Smartphone IT Consulting
I want to help everyone (adapted to their needs and age) who is willing to adopt a philosophy of digital hygiene so that together we can reconquer our right to privacy and digital freedom.
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L Ametlla de Mar
we offer olive green oil premium , almonds, carobs and organic garden all certified eco label
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Web development, drupal, moodle, civicrm, farmos
Web development (Drupal), online learning (Moodle), CRM (CiviCRM), e-commerce (Drupal, Commerce), SEO (search engine optimisation)
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O Incio
I can help create a better relationship between you and your horse.
I offer a holistic way of helping humans and horses and creating a better partnership between them. I also offer guidance with unwanted behaviour, rehabilitation and correct posture training.
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Caleta de Fuste
Nordic Walking in Fuerteventura
Whether you have learned to use chop sticks or not - now learn to use walking sticks! =)
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Caleta de Fuste
Singlebed room in nice little holiday home
Basic cleaning fee G1 20 plus €20. Daily rent: G1 15 plus €15 Long time rent up from 3 weeks with individually calculated discount. Payment in G1 immediately required after booking confirmation.
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Shamanic Travel, Immunoenergetic, Colloidal Silver, Quantum Bioingenieer
Natural therapies: Immunoenergetic, Biomagnetism, Quantum Bioingineering and Shamanic travel in person and at a distance. Ayurveda massage. Health Coach.
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Ğ1 Market & Meeting Management in Alicante
This account is intended to launch Ğ1 markets near Alicante (Spain) and also to incentive to new users who create a wallet
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sant llorenc
food trick
food trick delivery food - customized salads - lasagnas - ravioli - fresh pasta
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App that allows your customers to book appointments with you via the web
Highly customizable web application that allows your customers to book appointments with you via the web. Moreover, it provides the ability to sync your data with Google Calendar
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I offer 30 minute consultations on what Kambo is and if it's for you.
I've served Kambô for about 10 years. I'm certified as a Kambô Practitioner by the International Association of Kambo Practitioners (IAKP.org)
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Caleta de Fuste
Learn German in private classes
1 (one) G1 an hour plus a beer as basic fee per date =) Classes in my home in Caleta de Fuste. (Physical service - no service online!)
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Sacred Natural Dried White Sage
I can post Naturally Dried Sacred White Sage to you, which is very easy to harvest here because it grows wild in lots of places.
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Home swimming lessons in Ibiza.
Home swimming lessons in Ibiza.
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I can create a complete Permaculture Design Plan for you and your land
I'm certified through Quail Springs Permaculture and can help you achieve your permaculture dreams, and through Grow Biointensive to create small gardens with high yields
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Personal coaching and enenergetic healing, group ceremonies, shamanism
Do you encounter similar patterns in your life? Suffering from chronic illness or issues? I'm here to help. I am a coach and energy therapist with experience in childhood and past life trauma healing.
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Fasting, silence and not doing retreat, with Markus Witte in Texas
Markus Witte calls us on an eight-day fasting and silence adventure. Invitation to curiosity like when we were children, to silence, to do nothing and to enjoy life with what there is.
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7 days retreat
7 days of retreat in nature where we will share dynamics, learnings and life wisdom for the processes of personal, family and group change.
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