I am not Markus - The book - Ask for free PDF
Fasting, silence and not doing retreat, with Markus Witte in Texas

Markus Witte calls us on an eight-day fasting and silence adventure. Invitation to curiosity like when we were children, to silence, to do nothing and to enjoy life with what there is.

• Intermittent fasting diet in the eight days before the retreat (for people without experience)
• No distractions of any kind are required, such as books, paintings, etc.
• Musical instruments are welcome.
• Bring a notebook and pen to take notes of your observations and contemplations.
• Light food a week before the retreat, avoiding dairy products, coffee, and animal protein as much as possible.
• Arrange your body and mind not to consume solid foods or liquids for eight days, taking care of yourself, self-regulation.
• Explain to each cell of your sacred body that you are going to be resting and cleansing, in gratitude.
• Prepare to explore silence and respect the silence of other participants.
• Disconnect from cellular device
• Bring comfortable and warm clothing. Crocs-type shoes for comfortable movement in green areas. Tennis shoes for hiking. Cap, shorts and short t-shirt for sunny moments. Towel and toiletries. Ruana, gloves, hat, thick socks, warm pajamas for the night.

1.- Understand well what NOT TO DO in your daily life, which is a SELFLESS DOING.
2.- Observe and make a list of all your beliefs. When you have it, ask yourself why do I create all that?
3.- Observe and make a list of all your dreams and desires. When you have it, ask yourself who wants those things and why?
4.- Make one more list of all your habits and observe when I am copying something in search of love or to distract myself.
5.- Make a list of your eating habits to understand cravings and their cause


You try to fulfill an ideal... but who dictates what is ideal? Markus suggests not to follow anyone, because that will generate dependencies and make you fall into fanaticism. All this deprives you of freedom and you stop recognizing who you really are. This is our opportunity to change all that trap. Markus invites us: "Please, always doubt. Doubt and question everything. There are no saviors, there are no higher entities, no one can help you, divinity is in you, therefore, there is nothing above you."

He questions the customs of everyday life and also the paradigms, dogmas and inherited beliefs to, finally, understand that he can leave aside the need to possess, accumulate, appear or depend on house, vehicle, footwear and, even, food.

Looking for a place with accommodation for 20 people
Dallas, TX 75205
United States

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