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Portrait photography, events, outdoor weddings, and studio portraits
For a successful portrait, one must capture the essence in light. In-studio, at home, or outdoors... Every face tells a story. Every snapshot evokes an emotion.
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Ğ1 Market & Meeting Management in Alicante
This account is intended to launch Ğ1 markets near Alicante (Spain) and also to incentive to new users who create a wallet
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Terapeuta holística - Sanación, chamanismo, músico, voz consciente
Hola, tengo una experiencia de más de 20 años en el sector de las terapias alternativas, además soy profesora de yoga y pilates, así como de alimentación orgánica y nutricional.
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Learning to Crochet
I can guide you to Crochet and make some products, for example , water bottle carriers and the best material to use. I can also make smaller things out of wool.
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Caleta de Fuste
Nordic Walking in Fuerteventura
Whether you have learned to use chop sticks or not - now learn to use walking sticks! =)
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I support a Shipibo Family called Rao Kano Xobo in Pucalpa in Peru
I support a traditional Shipibo family who live in the jungle of Peru and are in the process of creating a much bigger healing centre by bringing back Their amazing handcrafted jewelry products.
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Distance therapy with Pure Energy of the Source
I've been trained and activated to use and send Pure Energy from the Pure and Divine Source. This helps in times of illness, weakening, etc.
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Naturopathy, Kinesiology, Nutrition
I help balance your general health (emotional, mental and physical) through a mix of kinesiology and naturopathy, focusing on you digestive system / belief system / food intolerances.
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Basque language learning and translation
Basque language learning and translation
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Arenys de Mar
Jyotish o Astrologia Védica
El Jyotish en sánscrito se traduce como “Ciencia de la Luz”.
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Lets talk about how to create a functional Intentional Community
I've lived in about 6 different intentional communities over the past 12 years. I'd love to share some of my experiences for success for those who would like to travel down this path!
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Sacred Natural Dried White Sage
I can post Naturally Dried Sacred White Sage to you, which is very easy to harvest here because it grows wild in lots of places.
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Web development, drupal, moodle, civicrm, farmos
Web development (Drupal), online learning (Moodle), CRM (CiviCRM), e-commerce (Drupal, Commerce), SEO (search engine optimisation)
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Consulting, training and building with Straw and Clay
20 years of experience doing and teaching straw bale building and clay plasters. I am available for online consulting as well.
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I can create a complete Permaculture Design Plan for you and your land
I'm certified through Quail Springs Permaculture and can help you achieve your permaculture dreams, and through Grow Biointensive to create small gardens with high yields
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Legal Assistance and Knowledge for Unschooled Students
Provide legal assistance, knowledge and information to Unschooled and Home School Students.
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Graphic design and photography software classes
I offer graphic design and photo editing classes in both libre and proprietary software.
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7 days retreat
7 days of retreat in nature where we will share dynamics, learnings and life wisdom for the processes of personal, family and group change.
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I have had lots of experience around Animal Behavior and Communication
I have been around a lot of different species of animals all of my life and offer guidance around Behavior and communication with them
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